Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Oy! So cute, I could die!
Monday, June 20, 2011

(For the record, Zack Ward, who played Scut Farkus? He grew up quite lovely. Go on. Google him ;D).
Sunday, June 19, 2011
So. Much. Dust.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
I'm gonna make a mess...
I can't get a good picture, because of the reflection off the foil (foil backed insulation; I thought it was just in the exterior walls, but apparently it's between floors as well), but that is eelgrass, a type of seaweed that I've seen used as insulation in houses that were both older than this one, and located in fishing villages. I was a little surprised to see it here.
I found a robin's egg today too. I almost stepped on it, and I picked it up before I realized what it was. The inside appears to be completely liquid though, and there's a crack in a shell.
And now, I am le tired. Bed. More mud in the morning.
Monday, June 13, 2011
I lined my drawers with paper!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Blog fog?
OHMYGODPUPPIES!!! How did I forget?? Roxy has Rocco's puppies last Friday. Unfortunately one didn't make it, but there are 7 gorgeous wee dogs that are getting very big already. At a few hours old:
Yesterday was free day around our street, meaning people put out piles of things that they don't want, but are too good to throw away. I resisted the urge to rifle through every pile, but I saw a door when I drove by one spot, and hounded the boy until he walked down to see if it was any good. Oh, free stuff! I love you!!
Also, Kijiji is good to me. I've been trying to get one of these since we moved here, and after 11 months of perseverance, the kitchen looks HUGE!! This is almost identical to the one we were looking at for $200 last weekend, and this was $125 cheaper. What was that? You want to see a very bad picture that you can't compare to to a before, because I don't have a before, and there's nothing in the picture that shows any kind of scale? OKAY!!
Sun?!? Again?? Giggity
(chirp chirp)
Okay, now that the idiots have left the room, OMFG. First it was the kid who kept coming into the yard, up on the deck, and would then be taken out by the dog, who STILL COMES AROUND even tho we keep telling her to go home. Next up: SUPER SOAKER. But then tonight, I'm getting my supper, and I happen to look out the window, and picture this: one small child playing in the dirt, while the other kid is standing a very small distance away, swinging an ax into the dirt. Oh yes. I am serious. These kids are maybe 10. Do they have a mother? I assume so, yes. Somewhere. Clearly she is insane/stupid/unconcerned. So I run out on the deck and promptly lose my f*#@ing s#!t. Again, they don't care. Should I find these urchins in my yard again, I'm letting the dog out. If he eats them, well, I guess I don't have to worry about witnessing a decapitation in my yard. What the hell, people? Srsly. sigh. I could go on and on, but I won't...
So. First, let me say that in my defense, this was a quick-fix and was not there all the time. However, I finally got sick of looking at this when we wanted to let Rocco out on the deck: